Elevate Your Business with Digital Transformation

We strive to innovate your business and hasten its journey to full digital potential by implementing technological solutions to traditional business problems.

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By the numbers

Digital transformation is a rapidly evolving field, and statistics can provide insights into its impact and trends. Here are some important digital transformation statistics:



Digitally transformed organizations contribution to GDP.



Of businesses are engaged in some form of digital initiative.



A staggering number of all organizations are completely non-digital.



Projected digital transformation market size by 2026.

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Techfastly Insights

As the insights brand of Mindtrades, Techfastly publishes research and thought leadership content to inform tech leaders and professionals.

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Digital Revolution and Telecom Stores

Telecom retail stores are evolving to prioritize customer experience and shifting from individual sales goals to customer needs. They are exploring different formats and focusing on catchment area value. Customers often use stores for product testing and advice. The telecom industry is adapting to thrive in a changing market by blending physical and online presence.

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